12/24 Cases 138613 138653 132796
Case 138613
A Oklahoma witness at Choctaw on Sept 25th 2024 at 10:30pm spotted what he describes as white starlike orbs appearing bright and then dimming down to deem up again as they move from left to right in a 45 degree angle. The witness states that while he lives near the Tinker AFB, and that these orb like lights or crafts are not military or commercial aircraft as he has seen these particle orb like lights consistently over the last year.
Case 138653
A Tennessee witness at Franklin on Sept 20th 2024 at 7:00 am noticed and observed a white tic tac cylinder shaped object flying in the sky while looking up at the moon. The object is described as having no wings and making no sound. The witness stated there was no indication that this was a plane.
Case 132796
A North Carolina witness at Salisbury on Jul 29th 2023 spotted this unidentified object above her parent’s house. Stating she has never seen anything like this. Mufon contacted the witness with no response.. Therefore it was a closed case as a possible drone. However it has now been given a second look. We would actually like to know what you feel the possibilities of what this object would be. Take a look at the video and email your response to us. Contact DOII@MUFON.COM