
Kathleen Marden – The MUFON Experiencer Survey: What it tells us about contact and the implications for humanity’s future

Kathleen Marden and Dr. Don C. Donderi have completed a multi-year, comprehensive study on individuals who have reported experiencing various types of contact with nonhuman intelligent entities of purported extraterrestrial origin. Dr. Donderi administered the American Personality Inventory, a test developed by Ted Davis and the late Budd Hopkins in collaboration with Dr. Donderi, to identify abductees as a separate group who exhibit the symptoms of “UFO Abduction Syndrome.” Their responses will be compared and contrasted with the responses from “Contactees” who have reported positive interaction with benevolent primarily non-physical entities. She will also present data on highly negative abduction phenomena and what it might indicate. Kathleen will reveal the messages communicated to the various groups and the implications for humanities future.