
Revelation- An Exploration of The Unknown

  • PG
  • 00:45
  • Released 2017
  • Films

In this feature length documentary, MUFON’s UK Chief Investigator & Lifelong Ufologist Jack Turnbull presents the facts- his life and experiences, mind boggling statistics and staggering case files. 

Filmed in breathtaking 4K resolution, we discover the general publics take on UFO’s & ET, explore famous case files including the Ruwa and Rendlesham incidents, divulge the concepts of infinity and probability, find out more about the Mutual UFO Network and investigate the little-known USO theory… all with the input and knowledge of one of the UK’s most prominent Ufologists. 

”This beautifully produced film captures the sense of wonder that so many experience during a UFO sighting- Jack Turnbull is an eloquent spokesman, and offers a personal insight into the phenomenon that for over 50 years has fascinated him and that might well be the greatest mystery confronting mankind”

”Revelation promises to be a much needed, less manic and more disciplined counterpart to other UFO documentaries”